This health bar is similar to the other add-on but it doesn’t mean I copied it, this health bar is made by me to make it “SAO” like. Do not make changes or upload the texture to other sites without authorized. The changes made so far are good for the Sword Art Online experience. So basically health bar is similar to boss health bar when you fight a wither or the ender dragon, but this health bar will show up if you are close to the mob. Trying to do as much as possible based on the Anime Sword Art Online, changing from ambient sounds, musicals and some Minecraft items.

It is a pack which gives you a lot of unique options, and it’s called Dark´s Sword Art Online Modpack. If you’re a fan of the anime and manga series called Sword Art Online, then this is a mod pack you should take a look at. Delete the older versions of this add-on on your folder because if you don’t delete them this add-on will not work. Our Dark´s Sword Art Online Modpack Server Hosting has a simple one click install for over 1000 unique modpacks.

Basically this is the second version of the older add-on that I made. Sao Minecraft Map Download The Pickaxe Quest Minecraft Maps 1000 Sword. This add-on adds 10 new items to your Minecraft. This add-on was inspired by the anime “Sword Art Online”. Sword Craft Online Minecraft Modpack Leo is licensed under a Creative Comons.